The Inception Affair

Rick Masters
2 min readDec 13, 2022

Cloning your wife just to have a secret affair with a clone of your wife.

Uploading her with all the same memories as your original wife.

Slowly falling in love with the clone of your wife while harboring great feelings of guilt and shame because you’re still in love with your original wife.

Developing a mild form of schizophrenia that escalates over time as a coping mechanism.

Secretly cloning yourself as a solution to keeping your original wife happy, uploading all your memories to your clone while making another non-living clone of your wife to show your clone how to properly pleasure your wife in bed so your wife can never tell the difference.

Having a crisis of identity when you realize you may have inadvertently become a necrophiliac by demonstrating sex acts on the non-living clone of your wife.

After months of preparation with your clone, throwing it all away by murdering your clone in a fit of jealous rage when you see him pleasuring the docile clone of your wife.

Dissolving both of the clones in hydrofluoric acid and trying to forget the last six months of wasted time.

Feeling a tortured sense of criminality every time you see yourself in the mirror, having felt you’ve killed yourself.

A sense of shame every time you mate with your wife or her clone because you now think of yourself as a closeted necrophiliac, despite no impulses towards the dead.

An escalation in your own schizophrenia.

You realize you are just an actor waiting for the director to give you your next lines in a movie called “The Inception Affair”. But the director has stepped out for coffee and now you are unsure what to say next.

One day while with your wife at the mall or maybe it is your wife’s clone. The director gives you the cue- you found it while in the men’s bathroom on the second story of the mall. The clever director hid it on the bathroom mirror, you have to fog the mirror up by breathing on it to reveal the message.

You smile at the movie’s ending. Bolting out the door, tight grin on your face, you give your wife a military salute. She holds two warm welcoming cinnamon buns in her hands. You dive head first off the mall's second floor to the hard white marble below. Your form is impeccable, the director won’t be needing a second take.

